Contraception and Shoulder Massages? University of Washington Researchers of a New Men's Birth Control Product think the two go together Fantastically

It's been all over my favorite talk radio stations and news apps: The UW is excitedly testing out a new contraceptive birth control for men that they feel will revitalize the contraception industry and bring down the unsavory number of births that occur unplanned (40%!)

This new birth control is touted to only have two main side effects: a 4 pound gain in muscle weight and some acne remenicent of your days going through puberty.

On top of that, this new mens contraceptive wouldn't even need to be digested; instead, it would simly need to be applied to a guys shoulders daily (kinky!). I haven't heard how long it's supposed to take to become effective, but once it has kicked in, it uses Testosterone and Progesterone to render a man sterile enough to not need to fear any unwanted pregnancies without having to get a vasectomy or having any female partners who have to double up on mood-swing-fueling contraceptives for women.

Currently, this new male birth control is still in the testing phase, and likely won't be available for another few years at least (assuming their testing goes well), but if everything goes as they expect it to, this will be the first new contraceptive for men in over 20 years.

So far, the idea has received positive results from both men and women alike.

What about you?

Use the comment section below and tell me what you think!

Personally, I'm still on the fence about it, only because innovative contraceptives of the past often come with longterm fertility side effectives that researchers couldn't know in the 10 year testing period requirement, which have created many seriously difficult to find and treat problems for men and women alike.

Outside of that, I'm all for innovation in the sexual contraceptives industry. The better they get, the more fun we can all have!
